Rockcurl Hairdressing opened its first retail outlet in January 2010 in the heart of Yorkshire, Market Weighton near Hull, York. Rockcurl Hairdressing aims to be one of the leading Hair Salons in the Yorkshire area, offering the highest level of creative and technical hairdressing techniques , previously only found in top London salons. Rockcurl hair stylists attend regular training courses to update and learn new creative and technical Hairdressing techniques to give customers the best service and satisfaction from the Rockcurl experience. You can be confident our talented staff will look after your every need and we hope Rockcurl Hair & Beauty Salon meets all of your expectations and more. Rockcurl For Men, Market Weighton, East Yorkshire, York, Hull. Rockcurl For Men aims to provide exactly the same standards as the other Rockcurl Salons, however it is tailored just for men, some may say it’s a barbers. Rockcurl For Men will deliver the highest level of creative and technical Hair & Beauty techniques in the area. You can be confident our talented staff will look after your every need and we hope Rockcurl For Men meets all of your expectations and more.